新たな異変 A New Disaster
(医務室 昼)
Infirmary | Daytime
シャミア: ……といったところだな。本当に疫病の類いではないのか?
Shamir: That's what we're dealing with. Is there no chance it's an infectious disease?
マヌエラ: ええ。医学に絶対はないけれど、可能性は限りなく低いんじゃないかしら。
Manuela: There are no absolutes in medicine, but the chances are extremely slim.
Restless movements, fits of violence, becoming bedridden or even impossible to wake...
With symptoms that varied, there are only a few possibilities.
It's either a mixture of poisons or magic. And dark magic, at that.
ジェラルト: マヌエラ、ルミール村の件か?今の話、本当だろうな。
Jeralt: You're talking about Remire Village, aren't you, Manuela?
マヌエラ: あら、ジェラルトさん。どこから聞いていたの?
Manuela: Oh my, if it isn't Jeralt. Tell me, what was the first thing you heard?
ジェラルト: 疫病の類いではないってところからだな。
Jeralt: Everything after you mentioned that it's not likely it's an infectious disease.
My child and I owe the people of Remire Village.
If something's happening there, we must help them.
シャミア: 現地の状況を確認してきた。詳しい話は騎士の間で聞いてくれ。
Shamir: We scouted the area ourselves. Speak with the knights. Hear what they have to say.
I must go. Thank you for your help, Manuela.
マヌエラ: センセイには助けられた恩もあるし、ルミール村に行く時には付き合ってあげるわ。
Manuela: You know, I'm more than willing to go with you to Remire Village... After all, I owe you my life.
If you'd like, I bet we could even manage the mission all by ourselves. Just the two of us...
Choice 1: 嬉しい That's nice of you. (Manuela ⤴)
マヌエラ: まあ……!センセイったら……
Manuela: Professor! A bit of a tease, are we? A girl could get used to this side of you.
Choice 2: 遠慮したい I'm afraid not. (Manuela ⤵)
マヌエラ: あら、そう。つまらない人ねえ。
Manuela: You're saying no? Well, aren't you just a great, big bore.
ジェラルト: 悪いが、村に行く時は俺も一緒だろう。さて、俺たちも行くぞ。
Jeralt: Nice try, but I'll be going to the village as well. Enough nonsense. It's time to move out.
マヌエラ: ええ、またね。ジェラルトさん、センセイ。
Manuela: Ask you like. Good-bye, Jeralt. Good-bye, Professor.
ジェラルト: 俺はいったん部屋に戻るが、お前はどうする?
Jeralt: I'll be in my office making preparations. What about you?
If you have the time, it would be helpful if you could go ahead and talk to the knights.
Byleth: ………………! ...
ジェラルト: お、おい!どうした!?
Jeralt: Hey! What's wrong?
Choice 1: 大丈夫だ I'm OK.
Choice 2: 少しめまいが I just got a little dizzy. (Jeralt ⤴)
ジェラルト: 変だと思ったら医務室に戻れ。お前は平気な顔で無理をするからな。
Jeralt: If anything feels off, return to the infirmary. No need to just grin and bear it.
Got it?
ソティス: くう……何じゃ、今のめまいは……。わしまで気持ち悪うなったわ。
Sothis: Ugh... What could have caused such dizziness? I felt it too.
Actually... I've felt that way before...